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ITINERARIUM®'s mission is to promote the discovery of a territory that has a strong natural connotation and is intrinsically rich in history. A past that has left no iconic signs, but a strong culture and a panoramic richness that must be preserved.

To discover a territory and to read all of its aspects one must cross it and live it slowly, by foot or by bike, along those trails that cars can't reach.

This is why ITINERARIUM® makes freely available a collection of tracks to discover the beauty of the territories around us, describing them with pictures, videos and historic anecdotes. Giving all the useful info to easily reach and enjoy a priceless experience in nature and history, discovering the peculiarities of the land we live in.

ITINERARIUM® wants to tell and promote the identity of a land that extends from the high peaks of Ossola, with its valleys and natural parks, until Novara's plain, passing among the lakes and digressing here and there in Valsesia, Switzerland and Varese.

Be it a relaxing walk, some hiking, an MTB ride or a simple Sunday trip, here you can find many hints and advices to plan your journey. Discovering lakes, valleys, historc trails and natural beauties, among the high peaks of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Switzerland, Vergante and Cusio hills, Novara's plain, with panoramic views on Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta and Lake Mergozzo... and some outdoor trip.

This collection keeps growing with new tracks, thanks to two "Sunday's hikers", with a passion for walks and MTB rides, who favour those trails that, in excange of a little bit of effort, reach amazing panoramas. The topis sharing these experieces with a large group of friends with the same passion for sport, nature and... polenta!
Itinerarium [from latin itinerarius adj. s. neutral, derived from iter itineris «way, trip, path»]
An itinerarium (plural: itineraria) was a summary, with practical purpose, of a road itinerary in the roman era, with indications of cities, stations to rest and change horses and relative distances. They could be both textual (itineraria scripta) and graphical (itineraria picta).


Your path must be chosen paying attention to your own ability and experience, weighting the trail basing on its length and height (only steinbocks can get anywhere!).

Paths are often indicated by CAI's signposts, with arrows, white and red stripes or stone piles used to follow the trail.

You can download the GPX track for every trail on this site, so you won't get lost in case you miss the other indications, or in case the pathway is poorly signaled.

ITINERARIUM sustains and promotes an aware and careful discovery of territories. A discovery that leaves no signs of its passage, but heals and takes care of places, whether they are plains, hills, mountains or towns. This means leaving no waste behind! We can't think that only big industries pollute, all of us must do our part. As hikers, we must be careful to keep the places we go intact, embracing the concepts of ecofriendly and plastic free, making a cultural change that promotes sustainability.

ITINERARIUM encourages the use of stainless steel reusable bottles, there are also thermal ones with an awesome design!
When possible, we must plan with our companions to reduce the number of cars needed to reach the starting point of our hike.
We can't afford to leave our waste in places different from OUR recycle bins! With a simple bag, light and small, we can collect the waste we produce during our trip and bring it home, organic waste as well, because the banana peel is not nice to see!

"Leave only your footprints behind, and take home only pictures!"
Renato Donati | mountaineer