“...from the last curve, by a small chapel, the trail towards Antillone begins, Boneiga (in Walser language), set under the shadow of a small sanctuary dedicated to the Visit of Mary on a short glacial plain, where rest the opaque waters of a lake, that before the hydroelectric works was clear and azure like the eyes of the girls of Formazza and it cradled on its mirror the soft flowers of water lilies, that today are no more”. (From the book “I Walser” by Renzo Mortarotti).
That is exactly the landscape where the itinerary that retraces the paths of Walser people begins. Along this trail, deep down the freshness of a majestic wood, the people of Salecchio kept their bonds with the Walser colony of Formazza. More so in Antillone both the Walser from Salecchio and from Agaro used to hold a procession towards the church, to pray for the good weather for their plantations. The legend that came to us tells that the small church dedicated to the Visit of Mary was built following a miracle: the aunt of Elizabeth II healed immediately after seeing Mary appear among the waters of Antillone lake and right there, Elizabeth, wanted a cross to be planted. Since then, on the whole lake, beautiful water lilies with white flowers bloomed.
The trail goes halfway up following the curvy mountain side until it crosses the dirt road that reaches Vova alp from Chioso di Premia, passing among the small towns of Sant’Antonio, with its oratory, and Torp. The itinerary proceeds towards Case Francoli with its lime furnace and reaches the flowered town of Salecchio Superiore.