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WARNING: trekking is not like walking! If you can't overcome a passage, go back!
Some of the tracks presented here are set along mountain trails where some passages may require holding to ropes or climbing short ladders, and may have exposed passages without safety protections. These tracts can be a serious danger if faced without the right equipment, awareness and physical condition.
ITINERARIUM® has no responsibility regarding the tracks presented here, their dangerousness, accessibility, praticability and safety. Who decides to take these tracks does it at their own risk.

Hike from Forno to Campello Monti along the Strona and the "Stra' vegia"

The gangway above San Giulio ravine, the ancient bridges and the old villages

Val D'Ossola - Valle Strona

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length icon Length:
10.7 Km
time icon Our time:
3h30' walking
climb icon Total climb:
500 mt
height icon Min and max height:
870 mt - 1340 mt
track there and back icon Type of track:
there and back
surface icon Surface:
trail - gangway
panorama icon Panorama:
ravine - mountains - villages
coverage icon Cell network coverage:
very poor
winter icon Traced in winter:
bike icon Traced by bike:

An itinerary that discovers Valle Strona, the valley of “gratagàmul” (dialect for “woodworm scratchers”), so called in ‘900 because of its artigianal production of spoons, that began thanks to Carlo Zamponi and his innovative production technique.
The trail starts from Forno, a small town that has seen centuries of work of great pewter artisans, later emigrated in Europe and America, where they collected large fortunes. The emigrants were mainly men of the town, while the women stayed and continued their hard work, their traditions and the life of the community. So much that Otra, a hamlet of Forno, in 1700 became the first town administered by women only and, in 1871, when a flooding destroyed the church of Campello Monti, the women rebuilt it, working the beams for the roof and carving the stone slabs.
While going along this short tract of Stra’ vegia (“old road” in dialect) one can’t help but think about the women that walked this way with their heavy baskets, reaching Omegna for the thursday market, carrying butter, cheese, kids, wool, clothes and artigianal embroideries, going back to town with their baskets full of what couldn’t be produced in the valley.
This itinerary leads to the new gangway built overhanging the Strona river, granting a sight on the deep ravine of San Giulio from an unusual point of view, and then goes up along the valley passing by the villages of Cerani, Piana di Forno, Tapone, Pian Pennino, Falda e Ronco eventually reaching Campello Monti that “looks like it was created by the fantasy of a poetic illustrator of ancient tales”.

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