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Walk from the historic town of Dagnente among the chestnut woods

Searching the glacial erratics


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length icon Streckenlänge:
5.8 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
2h00' zu Fuß
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
200 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
360 mt - 485 mt
track ring icon Art der Tour:
surface icon Oberfläche:
trail - dirt road
panorama icon Panorama:
woods - historic towns - glacial erratic
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

This hike starts from Dagnente, a small town facing Lake Maggiore behind the statue of San Carlone. It was to Dagnente that Felice Cavallotti, writer and politician, dedicated many of his verses, so much that in the cemetery there are his grave and a monument dedicated to him, built by Luigi Conconi and Paolo Trubetzkoy.
The trail climbs the hill and, next to the town’s borders, the old wash house, built in 1920, is found. After leaving the asphalt it proceeds along the wide trail among the chestnut woods that leads to the huge glacial erratic. These gigantic stones have always raised a lot of curiosity: their lonely, majestic and unusual being has given birth to many myths and legends that tell their origin. It was only in the end of 1800 that geologists could prove that the origin of these rocks was due to the glaciers that, while receding, left the heaviest sediments on these hills. The CAI (Italian club of Alps) immediately acknowledged their historical and scientific importance, so much that they instituted the Italian Geological Committee, with the purpose of promoting the research on alpine glaciers. Since 1922 these huge stones have been protected as environmental assets.

Follow the itineraries to discover the glacial erratics:
Hike to Sass Malò and Pieve of San Martino

The large ring from Dagnente to Montrigiasco

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