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Hike along Strà Granda from Pontegrande in Macugnaga (2° tract)

The ancient mule track of Valle Anzasca

Val D'Ossola - Valle Anzasca

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length icon Streckenlänge:
19 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
7h00' zu Fuß
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
880 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
525 mt - 1340 mt
track traverse icon Art der route:
surface icon Oberfläche:
trail - asphalt
panorama icon Panorama:
towns - woods
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

"The Strà Granda (“great road” in dialect) of Valle Anzasca links Piedimulera to Macugnaga and reaches Saas Almagel in Switzerland, was built around 1500 and is 48.5 Km long.
Before the coming of cars, this ancient mule track was the main passage for the people of the valley, who went to the markets of Ossola. It was used to carry the materials mined from the quarries and as a connection between Ossola and Switzerland through the Monte Moro pass.
This itinerary goes along the tract of Strà Granda from Pontegrande to Macugnaga, crossing many towns that grow on the right and left slopes of Anza river. Each of these towns has its history, its characteristic buildings and its peculiarities that we suggest you discover… by walking!
From Pontegrande are met in row: Case Fornari, San Carlo, Battiggio, Vanzone, Valleggio, Croppo, Canfinello, Borgone, Ceppo Morelli, Prequartera, Campioli and the mine of Pestarena, Morghen, Pestarena, Fornarelli, Isella, Opaco, Ripa eventually reaching Dorf: the historic center of Macugnaga.
To return, we suggest you arrange with two cars or take public transport."

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