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Hike along the ring of creeks around mount San Salvatore


Lake Maggiore - Vergante

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length icon Streckenlänge:
12.8 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
4h30' zu Fuß
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
660 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
225 mt - 650 mt
track ring icon Art der Tour:
surface icon Oberfläche:
trail - dirt road - asphalt
panorama icon Panorama:
woods - ancient towns - lake
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

The ring itinerary develops among the towns of Alto Vergante, known for the numerous “lusciatt”, the itinerant umbrella makers.
The lusciatt, just like the chimney sweepers of Val Vigezzo, had their secret way of speaking called “tarùsc”. It was their language to secretly communicate and not be understood by the unknown people. They used to travel many kilometers riding their bikes, mainly towards Lombardy, along the roads of towns and cities shouting “ombrellèe! ombrellèe!” (dialect for umbrella maker): the signal that notified their arrival to fix umbrellas and parasols. On the first day of the year, the children from 7 years old were sent by their parents to the itinerant artisans with the purpose of letting them learn the job, a hard work that kept them away from home sometimes even for months.
The itinerary starts in Brovello and goes along the slopes of Motto di San Salvatore along a trail crossed by many creeks, and reaches the medieval town of Massino Visconti. Here the ancient cloister of the monks of San Gallo was transformed, in the year 1000, into a noble residence by the Visconti of Milan. The structure was then largely modified and the castle is now a private property.
The path proceeds towards Villa Lesa and Comnago along the trail that unfolds parallel to the river Erno and leads to Graglia and the church of San Pietro.

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