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Hike among the pastures of Bugliaga

Overlooking Diveria next to the Swiss border

Val D'Ossola - Val Divedro

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length icon Streckenlänge:
6.5 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
2h00' zu Fuß
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
420 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
1245mt - 1540mt
track ring icon Art der Tour:
surface icon Oberfläche:
dirt road - trail
panorama icon Panorama:
pastures - mountains
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

The itinerary crosses the pastures halfway along the slopes facing the deep gorges of Gondo, which once was an important crossroad connecting Milan with the center of Europe across the ancient road of Sempione.

Depending on the season, some small groups of goats can be seen grazing, especially the breed with long fur “Sempione” and “Vallesana”. In the town of Trasquera some family-run farms are still present, granting both the conservation of the pastures and the breeding of the indigenous goats of the Alps. In the last decades this traditional breeding has been loved so much so that the festival “al sun di sunei” (the sound of the bells, in dialect) was established.

The itinerary starts from Bugliaga and crosses the small inhabited centers and the pastures of Il Palazzo, La Cresta, Cima ai Campi, Bugliaga Dentro and goes up to La Balma, where there is a peculiar weather thanks to which, from May to June, the blooming of a rare alpine tulip can be seen.

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