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hike to the ancient terracings among the hamlets of Calasca Castiglione

The cathedral in the woods and the Gurva sanctuary

Val D'Ossola - Valle Anzasca

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length icon Streckenlänge:
9 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
3h00' zu Fuß
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
490 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
440 mt - 830 mt
track ring icon Art der Tour:
surface icon Oberfläche:
trail - mule track
panorama icon Panorama:
river - woods - mountains
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

The itinerary leads to the discovery of some of the lower hamlets of Calasca Castiglione, along part of the Strà Granda, the ancient road that goes up the Anzasca valley, and part of “Via del Pane” (way of bread), the path that connects the hamlets of Castiglione having the constant presence of ancient ovens as its theme.
The trail passes through the village of Antrogna with its Cathedral in the woods, Duiamen, Molini, Porcareccia, Crotto, Olino, Vigino and Boretta. The trail is immersed in the woods through which one can glimpse a dense system of terraces and wonderful dry stone walls, once serving the cultivation of vines and various cereals thanks to which these villages were completely self-sufficient.

The trail, crossing the route of the Great Traverse of the Alps, leads to the Gurva, a toponym that indicates a gorge and the particular motion of the waters that channel into it. Here, overlooking the Anza river, is the access road to Val Segnara and in this very place stands the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie known as "della Gurva". The location of the Sanctuary is certainly unique, the building in fact rests on a rock overlooking the stream on the opposite side to the hamlets of Calasca. The reason for this inconvenient location is to be found in the local tradition which considered this place the object of miraculous events, just like the large boulder which, falling disastrously from the mountain, set itself right behind the pre-existing wall with the effigy of the Holy Mary without causing any damage to it. It was precisely with the construction of the Gurva Sanctuary that the close link between the Marian cult and the Traditional Militia of Calasca was born. A militia born under Spanish domination when Governor Mendoza, in conflict with the Savoys, armed even the smaller villages in 1614. The Traditional Militia of Calasca became the Guard of Honor of the Madonna Assunta with the inauguration, on 15 August 1641, of the new Sanctuary of the Gurva. Every year, for almost 4 centuries, the Militia has celebrated this anniversary on August 15th at the Gurva Sanctuary and on the Sunday preceding the Feast of the Assumption, St. Valentine the Martyr is celebrated in Antrona, at the Cathedral in the woods. The celebrations are accompanied by the Militia who, through a rich ceremony, escorts the religious procession.

Erwandert am: 8. Aug 2023
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