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Hike to Sant'Andrea sea stacks at Punta de Lu Pepe

The rocks shaped by the Adriatic sea


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length icon Streckenlänge:
9 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
2h30' zu Fuß
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
50 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
15 mt - 30 mt
track there and back icon Art der route:
Hin- und Rückweg
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panorama icon Panorama:
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

Along the coast of the municipality of Melendugno, in the place called Lu Pepe, stand the imposing sea stacks known as Sant'Andrea, from the name of the small fishing village that overlooks this area. These wonders of nature are rocky cliffs that the sea, with its impetuous motion, has slowly eroded and modeled as large natural architectures, giving life to arches, inlets and imposing monoliths. The itinerary retraces a stretch of the "sea route" of the Cammino del Salento which from Lecce leads "to the end of the world": Santa Maria di Leuca! Along the coast there are numerous caves, stacks and coves, some of which can be reached via stairs carved into the rock. This immense work of art created by the sea has always fascinated the locals, so much so that each cave and each stack has been given a name, often connected to a true story or legend.

The route that winds along the coast, between the sea and the thick pine forest, starts from the tower of Sant'Andrea and reaches: Grotta del Pepe, Scoglio de' lu Tafaluru also known as the Sphinx of Salento, Grotta dellu Mbruficu and the homonymous rock, Grotta di Mafar also known as the first beach, sea stack de' la Castddhruzza, Scala de lu Bastimentu, Grotta Ronzu Beddhu, Grotta de l'acqua duce, stairway of the Baron of Muro and the tanks for the skins, Grotta del Trucap and the sea stack The two Sisters. For the latter, legend has it that two sisters, fascinated and enchanted by the beauty and scent of the sea, decided to dive from the cliff, but died upon impact in the water. The compassionate Gods decided to transform the two sisters into rocks so that they could admire the sea forever.

Erwandert am: 16. Okt 2023
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