It was around the year 1300 that the Walser people, coming from Simplon, settled in Ornavasso and in its surrounding uplands, leaving traces of their culture both in the valley and in the high pastures.
The itinerary starts from the sanctuary of Madonna del Boden where, after a short tract on asphalt, the climb along the “vertical kilometer” begins, a steep ascent of 1100 meters, among thick chestnut and beech woods, passing by several Walser pastures like San Bartolomeo, Alpe Voost and Alpe Pogalti.
The climb ends at the Cappella del Buon Pastore (good shepherd’s chapel), built in 1917, dominating a 360° panorama from its height. Here the sight runs from the peak of Monte Massone to the high peaks of Ossola, from the Corni di Nibbio to the Toce’s plain, with a large view on Lake Mergozzo and Lake Maggiore, until the lakes of Varese.
The itinerary proceeds crossing Alpe Rossombolmo and reaching the ancient Walser settlement of Alpe Cortevecchio. Here the trail goes down gently, always deep in the woods, reaching Alpe Cortemezzo and Alpe Scirombei. From this pasture the tract of descent along Strada Cadorna begins, a service road which was part of the complex of Linea Cadorna.
The return is completed by crossing the pastures of Alpe Barumboda, Alpe Frasmatta and Grobo di Sotto.