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Alpe Forcola from Alpe Cheggio

The panorama on the lakes of Valle Antrona

Val D'Ossola - Valle Antrona

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length icon Streckenlänge:
5.4 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
1h45' zu Fuß
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
440 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
1490 mt - 1930 mt
track there and back icon Art der route:
Hin- und Rückweg
surface icon Oberfläche:
panorama icon Panorama:
lake - mountains
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

Antrona Piana, in the year 1642, day 26 of July, was subject to a terrible calamity. A landslide fell from Monte Pozzoli, so large that it buried several houses of the village, the parish church and 153 people. [...] Two creeks flow nearby, one, named Trincona, descends from Monte Mora; the other, named Lorano, comes from the mountain of Camasco”.
This was the way Antronapiana was described, in 1833, by Goffredo Casalis in his “Dizionario geografico storico-statistico-commerciale degli Stati di S. M. il Re di Sardegna” (geographic dictionary, historic-statistic-commercial of the States of his majesty the King of Sardinia).
The itinerary that leads to Colle della Forcola from Cheggio allows one to admire, from a panoramic point of view, Cime di Pozzuoli and the “young” Lake Antrona, formed after the landslide of 1642.
The itinerary crosses the dam of Lake Cavali, Alpe Fraccia, Alpe Curtvello, reaching Alpe Forcola Superiore and the homonymous Mount.

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