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Hike among the ancient vineyards on the hills of Novara

The infrastructures in the woods between Invorio and Borgomanero


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length icon Streckenlänge:
8.5 Km
time icon Gehzeit:
2h30' zu Fuß
1h00' in MTB
climb icon Höhenunterschied:
180 mt
height icon mind. und max. Höhenmeter:
350 mt - 435 mt
track ring icon Art der Tour:
surface icon Oberfläche:
mule track - trail
panorama icon Panorama:
woods - swamp
coverage icon Netzvempfang:
winter icon Im Winter:
bike icon Mit dem Fahrrad:

The itinerary twists and turns on the hills in the territory of Invorio and Borgomanero, crossing the large green area and the dense net of trails that characterizes the “Porta del Vergante” (gate of Vergante).

The itinerary traces back the lands where the local families, until about the 50s and 60s of the past century, used to farm vineyards and chestnuts. The ancient vineyards have made room for young woods today but, along the path, the remains of structures and infrastructures used to farm the vineyards are still visible today. As a matter of fact, some “casin” (small house in dialect) are met. Those are small shelters for tools, wells, dry-stone walls, some terracings and the large net of mule tracks, made of pebble and large enough to allow the passage of carts that, as remembered by those people who lived in that period, were pulled by oxen. As of today, the terracings still cultivated are just a few, and mostly set on the hills of San Michele.

The itinerary passes through the hamlet Mescia, the hamlet Talonno and the area of Salvaguardia Baraggiola - San Michele, crossing the Moja Grande swamp with its typical black color and reaching Motto Sereia, where the small chapel called “two heads” is built. Thanks to the work of Alpini di Invorio, in 2022 the trails that lead to the small chapel of 1700 were restored. Here, up until a few years ago, the painting of Mary appeared to have two heads! The ancient painting of the immaculate conception was surfacing, veiled under the new one, the two heads were in different positions and so both could be seen, painted on a single bust.

Erwandert am: 1. Mär 2023
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